"And one day ... I've realised that torturing her .... was just a reply. But ... meanwhile ... i had became ... a devil." … an article written by the wellknown romanian writer Adrian Dumitru

Suddenly ... i hear Tim ... saying on the telephone .... "Listen ... all want from you ... is to torture her.

Torture her ... hard.

I can pay 2-3-4 times more ... but please do what i ask you."

Shocked ... i've asked him ... "Who are you talking to?! What the hell is this discussion about?!"

Tim smiled ...

"I just talking to the dentist.

Carla is at her.

She had ... an emergency ... but i am good friend with dentist ... and I've asked her ... a small favour.

Yes ... to torture Carla.

But ... it's ok.

Don't worry!

She deserves it.

She always drives me crazy.

Always ... makes me jealous.



And ... actually ... i always have an emotional balance with her.

... ruining me emotionally."


I could not believe it.


It was ... the most craziest thing i've ever heard.

And .... funny also.

Maybe .... pathetic too.

But ... a real case scenario.


On the other hand ... i also knew Carla ... and i knew all her games.

She was the profile of woman ... that really loved to play with the mind of her lover.

Torture him.

It was ... all sort of a weird paradox.

They used to be a great couple ... but ... they both did stupid things ... one against the other.

... beyond the back.

On ... and on ... and on.

Of course ... a total nonsense.

But ... real case scenario.


I knew Tim well ... and he really loved her ... but also hated her.

He certainly ... loved that princess from her soul ... but also hated the bitch she sometimes became.

Fortunately ... or unfortunately ... all continued ... cause


i still see them together.

Maybe ... they had a karmic relationship ... and things had to


be that way .... but it was 200% .... a real nonsense what happened sometimes between them.

And ....


Download the book ”The princess syndrome

... perceptions of an idiot man - essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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